Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fallen Heroes, Iraq War 03/19/03

Steven A Rintamaki

Lynnwood, Washington

September 16, 2004

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
21 Marine Cpl

3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force

Camp Pendleton, California

Died due to enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq.

Remembering A Hero Tribute

From Recon Jon 08/28/05:

I served for three years with these heroes . But due to injuries sustained during my service I wasn't able to be there for my brothers when they needed me. It is important that the people who do not know the pain, guilt, sacrifice, and honor all who have served deal with, it is important that they at least see the Heroes and never forget them or there sacrifices. I loved the men I served with to this day as I love my own children. I would sacrifice everything I have to trade places with them. Civilians and POG's don't realize you join to fight for your country, but when it comes time you realize the man to the left and right are willing to die for you and that is what you fight for those men. SEMPER FI, MAY WE NEVER FORGET

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