Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fallen Heroes, Iraq War 03/19/03

Christopher S Potts

Tiverton, Rhode Island

October 3, 2004

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
38 Army Sgt

Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 103rd Field Artillery Regiment

Providence, Rhode Island

Died in Taji, Iraq, as his unit was conducting traffic control operations and enemy forces attacked them using small arms fire.
From Spc James Jones 06/01/05:

SGT Rusty Collier, and SGT Christopher Potts' unit, had already conducted a TCP, and was conducting a regular combat patrol when they rolled into a meeting of insurgents, the lookout for them saw the convoy and fired a warning burst to let everyone else know, the troops, along with the Iraqi National Guard troops that was with them dismounted and engaged. they got pinned down, Chris moved around the berm he was in to try and get a shot at the machine gunner that had them pinned down, he got hit in the stomach with a burst from the PKC, which is their version of our m-60, Rusty saw him go down, dropped his rifle, grabbed his medic bag, and without even thinking ran after him, the sniper got him, one shot to the throat, and one to the left eye, he never knew what hit him,

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