Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fallen Heroes, Iraq War 03/19/03

Keelan L Moss

Houston, Texas

November 2, 2003

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
23 Army Sgt

2nd Battalion, 5th Field Artillery Regiment

Fort Sill, Oklahoma

Was on board a CH-47 Chinook Helicopter when it went down on Nov. 2 in Al Fallujah, Iraq.
AP News

Keelan Moss was so excited about his 10-day leave that he was having trouble sleeping, said his wife, Jenifer Moss. He was one of 16 soldiers killed in the Nov. 2 downing of a helicopter carrying troops home on leave. He was from Houston and stationed at Fort Sill. Survivors include his wife, 4-year-old son, Keelan Daniel, and stepchildren, Marjani, 8, and Dakari, 7.

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