Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fallen Heroes, Iraq War 03/19/03

Joseph Camara

New Bedford, Massachusetts

September 1, 2003

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
40 Army SSG

115th Military Police Company, U.S. Army National Guard

Cranston, Rhode Island

Main Supply Route Tampa, south of Baghdad, Iraq. Camara was one of two soldiers who were killed when their vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device. Camara died of his injuries.
AP News

Joseph Camara was a quiet, funny man who calmed people he encountered in his four years as a patrol officer. Camara of New Bedford, Mass., died Sept. 1 when the Humvee he was in struck a land mine near Baghdad. He was a member of the Rhode Island National Guard. Survivors include his wife, Ana, and children Matthew, Angela and Ashley.

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