Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fallen Heroes, Iraq War 03/19/03

Michael Andrade

Bristol, Rhode Island

September 24, 2003

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
28 Army Spc

115th Military Police Company, U.S. Army National Guard

Cranston, Rhode Island

Balad, Iraq.  Andrade was a passenger in a HMMWV when a 5-ton truck struck the side of his vehicle.  He died of injuries sustained in the accident.
AP News

Michael Andrade loved to sing -- and everyone knew it. He used to sing along with the radio and he was a big fan of karaoke. Andrade, a National Guardsman from Warren, R.I., died Sept. 24 when the Humvee he was in was struck by a vehicle north of Baghdad. Andrade was married and had a 14-year-old stepson.

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